The Thirsty Strawberry Cafe

Opening Times

Monday | 10am - 2pm
Tuesday | 10am - 2pm
Wednesday | 10am - 2pm
Thursday | 10am - 2pm
Friday | 10am - 2pm
Saturday | 10am - 2pm
Sunday | 10am - 2pm

    • Coffee (decaf and caffeinated) - we offer cappuccino, espresso, latte and americano including double or single shots.

      • Dairy and Alternative milks - whole milk, soy milk, oat milk, coconut and almond milk

      • Syrups - pumpkin spiced, vanilla and salted caramel

    • Hot chocolate

    • 16 speciality teas created by Ahmed Teas in Southampton and supplied by our good friend Anita Storer at Pettiwood

  • Supplied by Yum Yum from about four miles away:

    • Baguettes, granary or white

    • Egg and cress

    • Ham

    • Cheese

    • Tuna

    • Chicken and bacon

    • Lemon drizzle

    • Jaffa orange

    • Chocolate brownie

    • Granola

    • Flapjack

    • Rocky road

    • Mint

    • Chocolate

    • Strawberry

    • Vanilla

    • Lemon

    • Salted caramel

    • and diary-free options!